Friday, September 15, 2017


Now that you have decided to embark on a journey of a healthy lifestyle with a strong resolve to follow a routine with discipline, you can start learning to find herbs and fruits that suit your body, skin and hair type.
You need to understand a few terms regarding the health of hair and scalp before you learn the benefits of herbs.

Free radicals have an unpaired electron and can be formed when oxygen interacts with certain molecules of your body. Once they are formed in your body these highly reactive radicals can start a chain reaction which can damage cells very fast resulting in aging or wrinkles. 

Anti oxidants
Few people disagree with this theory of Free Radicals but by and large anti oxidants help in neutralizing these highly reactive radicals. To fight these free radicals your body has a defense system and its called antioxidants. Antioxidants are molecules which neutralize free radicals before their chain reaction damages our cells. Our body does not make sufficient anti oxidants especially after the age of 30 and above so we need to supply them to our body using supplements, herbs, and fruits. The main antioxidants are Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and beta-carotene.

That is why you should drink green tea, Hibiscus tea or Oats Tea which are loaded with anti oxidants. All these teas and some other herbs that we are going to talk about in this blog have anti oxidant properties that slow down the aging process and reduce wrinkles and cell damage in your body.

Scalp inflammation can be due to dryness, itchiness, scaling or rashes.

Fungus can be caused by dirt, pollution, excessive sebum or oil and dead cells that clog the pores of the scalp.

Sebum is the oil or wax like matter that is produced by the skin to keep it and the hair lubricated. It reduces water loss from the skin surface and helps the skin and hair remain hydrated.



It also contains Salicylic acid that possesses anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Salicylic acid removes excess skin and helps remove dandruff and scaly skin. It contains vitamins A (beta-carotene), C and E, which are antioxidants. Beta carotene helps in fighting thinning of hair and hair loss. Anti inflammatory properties help heal the scalp and keep it healthy and remove the infection and excess sebum (oily substance) on the scalp. Sebum waterproofs and oils skin and hair. But excessive sebum can cause infection and dandruff. If you are allergic to Salicylic acid then do not use Aloe Vera.

Indian Gooseberry is loaded with Vitamin C and collagen protein. Vitamin C gives shine and strength to hair and its antioxidant properties keep the scalp healthy and clean and remove excess sebum from the scalp and hair. Collagen is natural amino acid and is the most prominent protein present in our bodies it gives elasticity and strength to skin and removes dry cells. It helps hair regrowth. It improves the immune system, is a very good antioxidant, relieves stress, treats insomnia, it is a very good source of fiber and helps in anti aging. You can make shampoo at home by using equal quantity of Indian Gooseberry (Amla), Acacia Concinna (Shikakai) and Soapnuts (Reetha) by boiling these herbs in water. Strain it and store it in your refrigerator and wash your hair with this home made shampoo for shiny very healthy hair. This natural shampoo does not produce much lather that the shampoos available in market produce, but the soap nuts have natural saponins in it that cleans the hair and scalp effectively. Gooseberry provides natural shine to the hair and Acacia moisturizes the hair. Add few drops of essential oil like Lavender for the fragrance of your choice. 


Basil has lots of Magnesium. Make a hair mask by mixing Basil with herbs like hibiscus leaves and Henna (Scientific name Lawsonia Inermis). Apply it for an hour and then wash using a mild shampoo. This mask improves blood circulation, easing irritation and cleans scalp and hair roots. Just like vitamin D is required to absorb Calcium in bones, Magnesium helps greatly in absorbing nutrients in the skin/scalp by increasing blood circulation and helping in the opening root of hair follicles removing deposits of chemicals or sebum or dandruff on the pores. Clogging of pores results in thinning of hair as well as hair fall. So Magnesium is a very important element for scalp health.


It is loaded with Iron, Magnesium and Protein. Proteins help in fighting baldness. Iron helps in blood circulation and Magnesium helps in easing the irritation of scalp and is responsible for absorption of much-needed minerals in your body and scalp. Fenugreek also has potassium which helps against graying of hair. 


It contains vitamins and minerals that are essential for your hair follicles to keep them nourished and healthy. It has Omega 3 fatty acids that help in dry scalp and keeping it nourished. As this seed is very good for the health of root of hair follicles it helps the regrowth of your hair. One spoonful of Flaxseeds taken daily is considered enough for hair health. But you should chew it properly to get its full benefits. That is why some people soak flax seeds in water overnight to chew them easily. One can even buy it in powdered form or eat flaxseed cookies. Flaxseed is one of the most important seeds for hair growth. Once oxidized the grounded powder turns bad when it comes in contact with air. You should be careful to keep it in an airtight container if using its powdered form and store it in dark, dry and cool place in order to keep it fresh for several months.


It contains vitamins and anti oxidants neutralizing free radicals that dry and damage your skin and scalp. You can drink tea made from Hibiscus flowers to benefit from its anti oxidant properties. You can apply a paste of 4 Hibiscus leaves and 4 flower petals with 4 tbs of yogurt. Mix this paste well and apply this hair mask on hair once a week for a healthy scalp.


It is anti inflammatory anti bacterial and anti septic. Its essential oil helps in reducing stress and anxiety and helps in getting a sound sleep. It keeps you calm and relaxed. When applied on the scalp it helps hair regrowth by increasing the blood circulation and it can be a good option for treatment of Alopecia. 


They are natural moisturizers that benefit greatly by treating dry skin and scalp. A daily intake of oatmeal can help you in getting rid of a dry and itchy scalp. Like Hibiscus you can drink Oats tea to benefit from its moisturizing properties.


It is loaded with vitamins and it is anti bacterial and anti oxidant. By now you should be well aware of the fact that all the herbs that are anti oxidant their major role is to reduce free radicals in your body and detox it.


It has low pH value and has miraculous cleansing properties. It is a powerful natural conditioner for hair growth and strengthens your hair. It is good for detangling hair.

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Now that you have decided to embark on a journey of a healthy lifestyle with a strong resolve to follow a routine with discipline, you ...