Friday, September 15, 2017


Now that you have decided to embark on a journey of a healthy lifestyle with a strong resolve to follow a routine with discipline, you can start learning to find herbs and fruits that suit your body, skin and hair type.
You need to understand a few terms regarding the health of hair and scalp before you learn the benefits of herbs.

Free radicals have an unpaired electron and can be formed when oxygen interacts with certain molecules of your body. Once they are formed in your body these highly reactive radicals can start a chain reaction which can damage cells very fast resulting in aging or wrinkles. 

Anti oxidants
Few people disagree with this theory of Free Radicals but by and large anti oxidants help in neutralizing these highly reactive radicals. To fight these free radicals your body has a defense system and its called antioxidants. Antioxidants are molecules which neutralize free radicals before their chain reaction damages our cells. Our body does not make sufficient anti oxidants especially after the age of 30 and above so we need to supply them to our body using supplements, herbs, and fruits. The main antioxidants are Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and beta-carotene.

That is why you should drink green tea, Hibiscus tea or Oats Tea which are loaded with anti oxidants. All these teas and some other herbs that we are going to talk about in this blog have anti oxidant properties that slow down the aging process and reduce wrinkles and cell damage in your body.

Scalp inflammation can be due to dryness, itchiness, scaling or rashes.

Fungus can be caused by dirt, pollution, excessive sebum or oil and dead cells that clog the pores of the scalp.

Sebum is the oil or wax like matter that is produced by the skin to keep it and the hair lubricated. It reduces water loss from the skin surface and helps the skin and hair remain hydrated.



It also contains Salicylic acid that possesses anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Salicylic acid removes excess skin and helps remove dandruff and scaly skin. It contains vitamins A (beta-carotene), C and E, which are antioxidants. Beta carotene helps in fighting thinning of hair and hair loss. Anti inflammatory properties help heal the scalp and keep it healthy and remove the infection and excess sebum (oily substance) on the scalp. Sebum waterproofs and oils skin and hair. But excessive sebum can cause infection and dandruff. If you are allergic to Salicylic acid then do not use Aloe Vera.

Indian Gooseberry is loaded with Vitamin C and collagen protein. Vitamin C gives shine and strength to hair and its antioxidant properties keep the scalp healthy and clean and remove excess sebum from the scalp and hair. Collagen is natural amino acid and is the most prominent protein present in our bodies it gives elasticity and strength to skin and removes dry cells. It helps hair regrowth. It improves the immune system, is a very good antioxidant, relieves stress, treats insomnia, it is a very good source of fiber and helps in anti aging. You can make shampoo at home by using equal quantity of Indian Gooseberry (Amla), Acacia Concinna (Shikakai) and Soapnuts (Reetha) by boiling these herbs in water. Strain it and store it in your refrigerator and wash your hair with this home made shampoo for shiny very healthy hair. This natural shampoo does not produce much lather that the shampoos available in market produce, but the soap nuts have natural saponins in it that cleans the hair and scalp effectively. Gooseberry provides natural shine to the hair and Acacia moisturizes the hair. Add few drops of essential oil like Lavender for the fragrance of your choice. 


Basil has lots of Magnesium. Make a hair mask by mixing Basil with herbs like hibiscus leaves and Henna (Scientific name Lawsonia Inermis). Apply it for an hour and then wash using a mild shampoo. This mask improves blood circulation, easing irritation and cleans scalp and hair roots. Just like vitamin D is required to absorb Calcium in bones, Magnesium helps greatly in absorbing nutrients in the skin/scalp by increasing blood circulation and helping in the opening root of hair follicles removing deposits of chemicals or sebum or dandruff on the pores. Clogging of pores results in thinning of hair as well as hair fall. So Magnesium is a very important element for scalp health.


It is loaded with Iron, Magnesium and Protein. Proteins help in fighting baldness. Iron helps in blood circulation and Magnesium helps in easing the irritation of scalp and is responsible for absorption of much-needed minerals in your body and scalp. Fenugreek also has potassium which helps against graying of hair. 


It contains vitamins and minerals that are essential for your hair follicles to keep them nourished and healthy. It has Omega 3 fatty acids that help in dry scalp and keeping it nourished. As this seed is very good for the health of root of hair follicles it helps the regrowth of your hair. One spoonful of Flaxseeds taken daily is considered enough for hair health. But you should chew it properly to get its full benefits. That is why some people soak flax seeds in water overnight to chew them easily. One can even buy it in powdered form or eat flaxseed cookies. Flaxseed is one of the most important seeds for hair growth. Once oxidized the grounded powder turns bad when it comes in contact with air. You should be careful to keep it in an airtight container if using its powdered form and store it in dark, dry and cool place in order to keep it fresh for several months.


It contains vitamins and anti oxidants neutralizing free radicals that dry and damage your skin and scalp. You can drink tea made from Hibiscus flowers to benefit from its anti oxidant properties. You can apply a paste of 4 Hibiscus leaves and 4 flower petals with 4 tbs of yogurt. Mix this paste well and apply this hair mask on hair once a week for a healthy scalp.


It is anti inflammatory anti bacterial and anti septic. Its essential oil helps in reducing stress and anxiety and helps in getting a sound sleep. It keeps you calm and relaxed. When applied on the scalp it helps hair regrowth by increasing the blood circulation and it can be a good option for treatment of Alopecia. 


They are natural moisturizers that benefit greatly by treating dry skin and scalp. A daily intake of oatmeal can help you in getting rid of a dry and itchy scalp. Like Hibiscus you can drink Oats tea to benefit from its moisturizing properties.


It is loaded with vitamins and it is anti bacterial and anti oxidant. By now you should be well aware of the fact that all the herbs that are anti oxidant their major role is to reduce free radicals in your body and detox it.


It has low pH value and has miraculous cleansing properties. It is a powerful natural conditioner for hair growth and strengthens your hair. It is good for detangling hair.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Secrets of Beautiful Long Shiny Hair

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Originally posted on our lasoinsbeauty blog being reproduced here as we have changed our address to lasoinscare blog from now on

Let us start with the basics. When you get your basics correct everything else starts falling into place. Often the secrets are hidden in plain sight. The Most Important thing in your life is not money but it is your HEALTH. If you have good health you can enjoy money and other luxuries of life.

Be Kind To Your Hair
Just like you are so careful with a baby, treat your hair in a similar way if you have hair fall, having dandruff or an itchy scalp.

Itchy scalp also means you might have deposits of calcium, dirt, pollutants or chemicals that might have clogged your pores too.

If your hair is thinning a lot you should start taking herbs and fruits and food loaded with Magnesium in your diet as the pores of the hair follicles get clogged with deposits and the clogging starts thinning the hair shaft.

Magnesium helps the skin absorb much-needed nutrients in the skin and helps in getting rid of the deposits on the scalp.

Anti Oxidants

Anti oxidants help in scavenging the free radicals that are produced by splitting of oxygen atom inside our body. 

These free radicals can cause major problems by reducing the growth of much-needed cells of our body. They can cause harm to the DNA also. Dark Chocolate, Blueberries, Blackberries, Cranberries, Green tea and Green Coffee and many other herbs are loaded with anti oxidants and help in reducing wrinkles and slow down the ageing process.

You should exercise daily with a regular routine. Make sure you take your 7 to 8 hours of beauty sleep. It helps the body to recharge, regaining strength and boosts its immune system. It helps the brain increase the blood circulation to all the parts of the body.
If you are having a stressed life, you are not sleeping well the brain gets these signals and starts shifting its gear into survival mode. The first thing your brain tends to do in survival mode is that it starts shutting down the supply of energy to your hair. The brain knows that if you lose your hair you are still going to live. So it starts saving energy for vital organs and increases supply to those organs more.

This starts closing the pores of hair follicles on your scalp, it starts thinning the hair shaft, resulting in hair fall, baldness or early greying of hair. 

There can be other important reasons of hair problems but we are going to focus only on peace and happiness in this article.

Your brain shuts down normal functioning of your body parts when you are in fear and or deeply stressed or depressed.

So in order to have a healthy scalp, to give a beautiful shine to your hair and strong healthy hair, you have to tell your brain that you are happy and relaxed.

How do you do that?

It is simple and all you have to do is invest in yourself. 

Exercise daily. Eat healthy food. 

Give your body much-needed beauty sleep. 
Laugh a lot, spend time with your family and friends with whom you feel happy and relaxed.

Make sure you take time off from your gruelling routine and go on vacations. Change of water and weather also helps your body to rejuvenate fast.

Those who live near the beach can relax on the beach. The rhythmic sound of waves that come running to the shores is capable of changing the stress levels of your brain and body. 

Watch this video on Road Trip to Beach - A great cure for work day blues.

The aqua colour of ocean gives much peace and produces a very calming effect on your brain and body.

When you walk barefoot on the sand the small granules of the sand gives massage to your feet resulting in mild and gentle massage that helps your body to relax.

If you do not live near the ocean then you can enjoy listening to music that helps your body relax. You can take walks barefoot in your yard or a park. There are music channels that play relaxing music online these days. Soft rhythmic music produces a very calming effect on your mind.

You must understand that in order to take care of the health of your scalp and hair you have to be much relaxed and happy. You have to convey and communicate this relaxed state to your mind clearly.

That's why we have mentioned in the introduction to our blog.

"Just as the smile is a must for your body to be relaxed so is music to spirit to keep you calm and peaceful".

Once you understand these secrets of how to send healthy signals to your brain, you can start making progress towards a wholesome healthy body and mind.

This in turn with nutritional herbs, fruits and food will help you have healthy, beautiful, shiny hair that you have been wanting to have all these years.

How to use our blog?

In the next of article on herbs, we have tried to give information in pictures so you can save them and use them as a ready reckoner.

We are open to suggestions and to make changes in sharing our happiness, our knowledge and peace to all our followers and readers. You are most welcome to comment and share your experiences with us.

We are in the learning process with you and we appreciate all your love and support and having you onboard on our journey of Love, Peace and Happiness.

Thank you very much for your valuable time.

Like, Subscribe and Share 

We are in the process of writing The Book that will have information on the guidelines and inspirations that we followed to overcome our obstacles. They helped us fight life threatening diseases and fight our way to become what we are today. All these instructions are time tested and have played a great role in shaping our lives.

If you also want to benefit from The 7 Most Important Instructions to start taking control of your life then subscribe to our Blog and confirm your email and we will be happy to share these 7 Secrets & Instructions with you.

Write to us so that we can connect directly with you. We have a very strict policy of not sharing any of your personal information and it will be solely used to communicate with you.

With loads of love


Road Trip To Beach Is Great Cure

A road trip to the beach is a great cure for work day blues. 

Watch This Video On YouTube

When life becomes crazy and you need to unwind from your hectic schedule,
going for a walk is a nice idea, but ladies who want the best, 
enjoy the freedom to hop into a car for a road trip to their favourite beach.

From New York to the Bahamas, Illinois to Miami,
Toronto to Cancun, Europe. Rio, or Goa,
Wherever you are, a drive to the beach is a great cure for the workday blues.

Open your arms to the world and gather the seeds of future dreams.
Drive away to adventure,
feel the breeze in your hair,

soak in the sun in flowering fields,
dive into the ocean,
or sink your toes into the warm richness of the earth.

Along the way, stop in and visit Chanel or Gucci,
Louis Vuitton, Dolce Gabbana or Ralph Lauren
Prada or Versace.
Grab some lipstick and nail polish,
a clingy dress, some shorts.
and of course you have to have some new jeans.

When your bags are overflowing with denim, satin, and lace,
It is time to take a break at the spa.
Will it be the four seasons hotel spa at Westlake, the Oriental Spa,
Montage spa or perhaps some Thai or Swedish massage?

With your body renewed and your hair and nails gorgeous,
you're ready for an exciting night.

Grab something exotic to drink and join the crowd at a pounding concert.

Sing along with your favorite singer and with your hands in the air, sway along with the crowd.

Spend the next day soaked in lotion and strolling along the surf,
leaping into a pick-up volleyball game,

swimming or just relaxing with that special book
you've been looking forward to reading.

The beach is also a great place to meet someone special, 
for a long walk or for dancing later in the evening.

A glorious sunset above golden waves sets the scene for the perfect final night. While the breeze teases your hair,

revel in the memories you've earned,
the moments you will savour for years to come,

or possibly plan for future adventures and discoveries.

Monday, September 4, 2017



The habit of giving your highest quality
 every time to everyone 
24 x 7 x 365 


Keep repeating it till it becomes a habit. Become an epitome of success. Once you have imbibed these qualities in your personality, these qualities will start reflecting in your brand.

How to form a bond with your target customers?
Create a beautiful logo and then work hard to present the business to the world by branding the logo and the business as a whole. Provide the best quality content and products. People like to connect, associate and believe in great human stories of triumph over the odds.
Such a story can come out of the problems that the people face every day. A brand should serve a purpose to provide solutions to these problems.

Our Story

#1 Branding by Color

All the famous brands follow a universal colour scheme throughout the range of their products. From logo to letterheads, to email newsletters, visiting cards or displaying products everywhere the same colour is used so that people remember and identify the brand by colour.

#2 Branding by Emotions

#3 Branding by Repetition
Search engines and emails are perfect examples of repetitive branding. We say the names of these brands several times a day. They have entered our lives so much that we use the services of these brands in many ways.

#4 Branding by Style
All the famous cities, clothing brands, luxury brands are known for their particular style. For example, Paris is the fashion capital of the world. The iconic Eiffel Tower represents the brand Paris. It is considered as the epitome of fashion and luxury.

#5 Branding by Awareness

The most famous soft drinks are recognized by colour, the unique style of writing the logo, the shape of bottles and they are made visible so much almost everywhere that people are totally aware of the products. Such is the power of awareness of these world famous brands.

#6 Branding by Cult Following

Soccer teams of various countries and football club teams in European league have an immense cult following. The teams are followed religiously and they have become such big brands having fans all over the world.

#7 Branding by Evangelist Followers

The social media websites have been made famous by the followers who love to talk about these websites. They do not cost a cent and they tirelessly work to spread the word of mouth about a particular brand or shop or website or a shoe design.  

#8 Branding by Trust

The best example of branding by trust is seen in many products like sports shoes or coffee. We readily pay a premium for coffee and totally fall in love with these brands trusting them that they will provide the best quality every time we wear the shoes or take a sip of coffee.

#9 Branding by Luxury

#10 Branding by Creating Need

Some innovative brands create a need that becomes a loved necessity. Before the smart phone era, we did not know that we are going to love our phones so much. The smart phones have become an integral part of our lives that includes usage of email, texting, social media and cameras in a single device.


Now that you have decided to embark on a journey of a healthy lifestyle with a strong resolve to follow a routine with discipline, you ...